Technical Specification

Server Computer – Not Dedicated

The minimum configuration for your server computer should be an Intel multi-core (Core i3, Core i5, Core i7), or equivalent with 16 GB of memory or above and at least 120 GB of free disk space. The operating system should be Windows Vista, 7, 8 or 10. A dedicated server is required for 3 or more users or if you are synchronising between branches.

Server Computer – Dedicated


The minimum configuration for your server computer should be an Intel multi-core (Core i3, Core i5, Core i7), or equivalent with 16 GB of memory or above and at least 120 GB of free disk space. The operating system should be Windows 2000, 2003, 2008, 2012, Vista, 7, 8 or 10. It is highly recommended that EAP is installed onto an SSD.


Warning This should not under any circumstances be a virtual server running under VMWare or similar.


The minimum configuration for each of the other user work stations in your offices should have Intel Core i3 processor (or equivalent) with at least 8 GB of memory, 20mb of free disk space and with an operational system of either Windows Vista, 7, 8 or 10.


These notes are provided for guidance purposes only and should not be used in any situation as a definitive recommendation. Pair Softwhere LLP do not accept any liability whatsoever arising from any action you may take as a result of these guidance notes. Additionally no liability is accepted for errors or omissions within these notes. You should seek professional advice in all instances when considering computer related questions that may effect the operation of your business. If you require further assistance with any IT related issues, We will be pleased to introduce you to organisations that currently provide such professional services to other Estate Agent Pro Ltd clients. We stress however that under such circumstances you must use your own judgment as to their ability to satisfy your requirements.


Please be aware that the Estate Agent Pro database is continually growing in size so there should be an IT strategy in place to update the server hardware accordingly on a regular basis if you wish to retain satisfactory performance.